How well do you know the companies or people you trade with?

As experts in risk and compliance, GWCI carry out risk based due diligence investigations on overseas companies and academic institutions delivering all the local insight and business intelligence you need - in a cost-effective, professional and timely way that bring transparency to any future or current partnerships to help you protect your brand and reputation.

We have seen a real outreach of UK companies into Asia, Middle East and Africa and to assist your business we developed an excellent network of contacts in each country for language, cultural and technical analysis along with 'boots on the ground' investigators to provide that bespoke service we are so proud of at GWCI.

Understanding the complexities of exporting overseas, whether that's through an agent, distributor or forming a partnership with a company directly are all areas we can help you with to ensure there are no surprises and allow you to protect your reputation. To assist your knowledge we have also created a DIY Due Diligence Toolkit using our expertise and experience enabling you to keep control of your own processes.

Our services are always tailored to your specific needs, and we offer a number of products and services which are always:

  • Discreet - tailored to your specific business needs.
  • High-quality - with clear and simple recommendations.

Services & Products

Basic Review

Basic country review with a search of over 900 databases for sanctions. Politically exposed persons. criminal and other watch lists


Basic plus a robust search of all media related activity (native language and English). Includes review of court judgments, company verification etc.

On the Ground

Basic and enhanced plus agreed field activities, including site visits, interviews and other discreet enquiries.


Complete guidance, support and training to enable you to undertake your own detailed due diligence risk assessments.


We are able to assist with any compliance related requests from one off policy development to the creation of a compliance framework.